Dmytro Napriienko was born on February 21, 1991, in the city of Dubno.

He studied at Dubno Educational Complex “School-Gymnasium”, Dubno Pedagogical College and at the Faculty of Humanities (English Philology Department) of Taras Shevchenko Regional Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy of Kremenets.

In December 2014, 24-year-old Dmytro volunteered for the front. He was a junior sergeant, a sniper of the mechanized infantry platoon of the 1st Mechanized Infantry Rota of the 99th Mechanized Infantry Battalion, the military base – Field Post Office В0116, the 14th Mechanized Brigade (formerly – the 1st Territorial Defense Battalion “Volyn”). Dmytro had a code name “Aramis”.

On December 1, 2015, he lost his life during the tragic circumstances near the city of Krasnohorivka, Mariinka Raion, Donetsk Oblast.

His last interview appeared on October 22, in the local newspaper under the title “Snipers Hunt the Heroes”.

He was buried with military honors on December 5, 2015, in the city of Dubno.


Publications about Napriienko D.V.  

One more our Hero – native resident of Dubno, Napriienko Dmytro Vitaliiovych, known under the callsign “Aramis” is killed…

One more our Hero – native resident of Dubno, Napriienko Dmytro Vitaliiovych, known under the callsign “Aramis” is killed. 24-year-old Dmytro went to war of his own free will. He fought heroically. The magazine “Mirror Plus” wrote about his exploits more than once. The last Dmytro’s interview came out on October, 22 in a local newspaper and was called “Snipers hunt for the heroes”. At that time he was interviewed together with Zvirobii. Many readers remember their common photo on the first page of the newspaper.

Dmytro growed a luxurious Cossack mustache. Handsome man. Hero. Very sincere and bright man. And now he is gone. He died the brave death in the prime of life. Ukrainian primrose dies. Sad news was reported by volunteers who went to the ATO zone on Sunday morning. They had to return, but when they found out about the death of their compatriot they remained there in order to bring the body of the Hero to his native Dubno. The last time we talked to Dima on Satuday. The circumstances of the defender’s death are yet unknown. We also do not know when the Hero will be brought to his hometown. Keep track of information in a social networks. Rest  in peace, Brother. Our prayers and hearts are with You. Heartfelt condolences to relatives and friends. Eternal memory to the Hero!


By Maryna Horuk

It was gloomy day today

Three month already, since your death

Hero’s heart is resting

March meets us with sadness…

Your eyes will not shine bright

With happiness surrounded flash of death

Hero’s heart stopped at the verge of the night

But how I want to hear your voice and your laugh…

Spring is waiting for you

But you died for us

Hero’s heart does not die!

It sprouts in our soul up!

By Maryna Horuk

In Rivne region the Memorial Plaque for the Hero of the war in the eastern Ukraine was opened
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Today, on May 25, 2016, the commemoration and opening of a Memorial plaque for the Hero of the ATO – the junior sergeant  Dmytro Napriienko (“Aramis”) took place in Rivne region.

During his assignment in the ATO the soldier was a sniper of the 99th mechanized battalion of the 14th separate mechanized brigade (formerly –  the 1-st battalion “Volyn”). On December, 1, 2015 Napriienko Dmytro died under tragic circumstances near Krasnohorivka (Mar’inskyi district, Donetsk region).  Buried in the Mlyniv cemetery in Dubno.

Junior sergeant Dmytro Napriienko studied at Dubno Pedagogical College and then he continued his studying at Regional Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy of Taras Shevchenko in Kremenets at the Faculty of Humanities. In December, 2014 he went to the front line of his own free will.

The Memorial plaque was opened on the facade of Dubno “School-Gymnasium”. The event was attended by representatives of local authorities, clergy, pedagogical staff, students of the educational institution, Dmytro’s relatives and close ones.

As the lieutenant colonel Yurii Nechytailo noted, the memory of the patriot, the warrior who died for the sake of the future of Ukraine is embalmed in our hearts.

“We will do all we can to support the family of the deceased and help to resolving the most painful issues,” the officer said.

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On February 21, 2016 volunteer Dmytro Napriienko would have been 25 years old.

Unfortunately, a strict fate measured him short life. Heroes do not die. They went to the Heaven in the prime of their lives to be the lights for those who remains on Earth. The path of a warrior is the path to immortality. Now he is a warrior of one of the Heavenly Hundreds. Irrepressible romantic, good-natured, simple, sincere, trusting guy. The true Ukrainian patriot, who laid his soul and body for the will of Ukraine. The enemies after his death, fluttering with gall malice, wrote in their gangster website “liquidated ….”. If the enemies wrote such words about the man, then he lived his life heroically and right. And he lived not in vain. He died for us. We have an eternal debt in front of him and thousands of other heroes who stopped the horde and kept the Ukrainian Sky in their bloody hands. Let’s remember him – a young, smiling, with a noble look of clear eyes. We pray for the soul of Dmytro, who sacrificed himself for Ukraine.

By Maryna Horuk


Heroes do not die!

We bow our heads in front of You, Friend! We will never forget your words: “I want to go to war. They must be punished”. Eternal memory

Dimka, I will never forget your sincere smile and bottomless brown eyes…we never got a chance to talk… Rest in Peace, Friend.

Dima…you went so early…you know, I have never met such people as you. You are the true patriot of your Motherland! Love you…miss you… Eternal memory!!!!!


Dmytro Napriienko (“Aramis”) (02.21.1991 – 01.01.2015)