Ivan Okhmak was born on June 8, 1991, in the village of Luhove, Dubrovytsia Raion. He studied at Luhove Primary School and Myliach Comprehensive School. After finishing it in 2008, Ivan entered Sarny Vocational School № 22. He finished it in 2011 obtaining the qualification of technician-mechanic. In October 2011, Ivan was drafted into the Armed Forces of Ukraine according to the order of the Commander-in-Chief of Ukraine Ivan Okhmak. Ivan served in the battalion of communications and radio-technical support in the Military Base A4465, and in 2012, he returned from the compulsory military service.

On September 1, 2014, Ivan was mobilized again. He served as a driver of field communications in the Military Base Field Post Office V4673. On February 2, 2015, Ivan died performing a combat mission of eliminating the damaged connections in a base camp near Debaltsevo.

According to the Presidential Executive Order №108/2015 “About the Decoration of National Awards”, Ivan Okhmak was posthumously awarded the Third Class Order For Bravery “for personal courage and heroism demonstrated in the defense of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, loyalty to the military oath”.

On Saturday Dubrovytsia said goodbye to another fallen warrior

Ivan was born in June 8th, 1991 in the Luhove village, Dubrovytskyi raion. He was mobilized in August 2014. He was a driver of the field communication center of the military unit B4673.

On February 7 in the Luhove village was buried a soldier Okhmak Ivan Mykolaiovych. He gave his life defending the integrity of our Ukraine. Ivan died in February 2nd in the area of the ATO zone when he performed a combat mission of reparing communication damages when in base camp near Debaltsevo. There was a mortar attack in the result of which Ivan was mortally wounded.

It is impossible to describe the grief of the mother who lost her 23-year-old son. More than a thousand villagers gathered to support the family, to pay tribute and to pay the last respects to the hero. The acting chairman of the district government administration Yurii Yaremenko made a speech at the village cemetery.

Ivan was buried with all military honors.   Glory To The Heroes!

Ivan Okhmak (06.08.1991 – 02.02.2015)