Mykola Kuliba was born on December 27, 1960, in the village of Sribne, Radyvyliv Raion, Rivne Oblast.

He was the youngest child in the family. Before taking part in the war, Mykola was a police captain. Moreover, he worked on various construction sites of the Ukrainian DIY hypermarkets “Epicenter” as well as was a storekeeper in the cities of Rivne and Lutsk.

Mykola Kuliba (a code name “Diadia (Uncle) Kolia”) previously participated in the Nahirnyi Karabakh War. After the outbreak of war between Russia and Ukraine, he joined the army as a volunteer in order to defend Ukraine. He was a master sergeant and a squad leader of the 24th Assault Battalion Aidar.

Mykola died on May 23, 2016, near the village of Taramchuk, Mariinka Raion, Donetsk Oblast. A car driven by Mykola to the area of the enemy drone crash landing was blown up by an anti-tank mine. He was 55 years old.

Mykola was buried in the village of Sribne, Radyvyliv Raion, Rivne Oblast.

According to the Presidential Executive Order № 306/2016 on June 20, 2016, he was posthumously decorated with the Third Class Order For Bravery “for personal courage and high professionalism demonstrated in the protection of sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, loyalty to the military oath”.

Moreover, Mykola Kyliba was given the title of the Honorary Citizen of the city of Rivne.

Publications about M. Kuliba
Aidar soldiers memorialize with Bateiko

Once more blue-yellow flags with the black crape were bent in grief near the pedestsal of Taras Shevchenko. Again there is a coffin covered with the Aidar’s flag in the centre of Rivne. Trouble. Big trouble, irreparable. Rivne said goodbye with the hero Mykola Kuliba.

On the way to the area of the unmanned flying machine fall between the military control point Kuznietsk and the settlement Taramchuk of Marinka district on Donbass the commandor of the storm department, the sergeant Kuliba Mykola Mykhaylovych and the commandor of grenade-launcher department, the sergeant Baula Serhij Mykolajovych perished because of driving into the antitank mine. Today we are here to honour the memory of the hero, who gave himself wholly for our peaceful sky! – the bitter words were heard from the loudspeakers on the square. The citizens of Rivne – there were hundreds of them to bow to the soldiers’ mortal remains – were sad and embarrassed. The soldiers were concentrated and precise.

  • Kommandor, Batiania, Batia, Bateiko – so was calles Mykola Kuliba in Aidar, – one of the compatriot told about his battle comrade. – We did not make a mistake when we have chosen him as a sergeant major. He was like our father. He took care of us as though we were his children. He taught us to be honest, deserving, never give up and to be patriots. We know a lot of his feats of arms. I appeal to people: don’t be indifferent! His death must not be useless, as well as deaths of thousands of Ukrainians, heroes-patriots.

Mykola Kuliba is buried in his fatherland, in the Sribne village of Radyvyliv district. He was the truthful patriot of Ukraine, the person who has gone as a volunteer to the war from Maidan and was devoted to his choice and calling of his soul. He was a person thanks to which our children go to school and kindergarten, adults go to work. Alive and free. No words can return him to life. Eternal memory to him!

Glory to our heroes!

Serhij Snisarenko


As the newpaper wrote before on the 23 of May near the settlement Taramchuk of Marinka district on Donbass the sergeant Mykola Kuliba – the sergeant major of the second storm company “Aidar”. The car where soldiers drove to the area of fall of the enemy’s drone exploded under the antitank mine. According to the orders of the chairman of the district administration on May 25 and 26, a mourning day was announced in the area. And on Friday, 27th, in Sribne, in the homeland of the hero, there were lots of people on the funeral.

I found such information in the Internet. Comrades in the service called the sergeant major of the 2nd storm company of the battalion “Aidar” Mykola Kulib Uncle Kolya, Batia of Rivne. On the page of the battalion in social media Facebook they reported: “We have two dead. From the old guard AIDAR. Uncle Kolya of Rivne (Mykola Kuliba) and Voron Stary (Baula), both from the 2nd storm company. Voron was ordered a release, but he was persuaded to stay”. Journalist Roman Bochkala: “Yesterday there was an enough serious fight, during which the enemy incurred significant losses. It was announced about 20 dead. Then one of the subdivisions of the assault company pursued the enemy. They entered the rear about 3 km. There was Mykola in that group. And the car in which he was located exploded on anti-tank mines. There were no chances to save him”. So the words of the volunteer Irina Shkut: “Uncle Kolya was for me as a native father! This is a person with a huge soul!!! Incredible pain and emptiness in the soul. With this news something died inside me. It hurts so that I can’t breathe. He repeatedly told me that he could not leave our young boys. He must be there and protect them. This is an incredible loss. Relax with the world, dear! I will never forget you !!! And Ukraine will not forget your feat !!! Eternal memory!!!”.

To Donbass Mykola Kuliba went as a volunteer, right after the Maidan, where he was an active participant. In 2014, he was seriously injured. He arrived home but for a short time. Duty called on the forward, to the army comrades, with which he defended the independence of Ukraine. He was healing in the medical department. And again to the order.

The coffins with the fallen were brought to Kiev from the forefront, where people farewell to the heroes, the next day people farewelled with Mikolai Kuliba in Rivne. And on Friday, May 27, Mykola Mikhailovych Kuliba was buried in his hometown. Sribne village apparently did not see such large burials. There were almost all of its inhabitants, many people from the surrounding villages. There were the command and staff of Aidar, where Mykola served, heads of regional and district military commissariats, representatives of the authorities, the public, and many labor collectives of Radyvyliv district. V. Kondyk, the head of the district council, and the head of the district administration O. Vashchuk also expressed their deep condolences to the relatives of the deceased hero.

Mykola Kuliba was buried with proper military honors – an honorary escort, a brass band, three salvo salutes with bare cartridges.

The priests of the UOC-KP, led by the dean Igor Danylyuk perform a funeral service at St. Michael’s Church.

The dozens of people lined up on the path of the funeral procession in Sribne village to honor the bright memory of the deceased. And the students of the local school met the hero of the ATO, standing on his knees. And they repeatedly chanted: “Heroes do not die!”

Many words were spoken about the sacrifice of Mykola Kuliba. It was emphasized that the sacrifice of the hero should be permanently captured in the consciousness of every Ukrainian, since the events of the present time determine the course of the history of Ukraine. Native and acquaintances mentioned the children’s and mature years of the hero. He is remembered as a good son, caring father, a good, sincere person, a patriot of his country. Veteran of pedagogical work V.Moshkun, for example, told that during school years Mykola read a lot, dreamed about traveling. Somehow they found him with a friend drawing a map, wanted to visit Africa … Teachers, of course, were excited to have nothing bad happened. With pleasure Vera Grigorievna remembered the case of 2 years ago. She returned from Rivne. On the bus, Mykola Kuliba began a conversation with her (the former teacher does not see well)… Such he will remain in the memory of fellow villagers, relatives, friends. Friendly. Good. True to military duty. He is a well-known citizen of the state and this state as well as family will always be proud of him.

Vasyl Semerenko, the editor of the district newspaper


Rivne – about the deceased Hero Uncle Kolia

Yesterday, Rivne on his knees farewell the Hero-defender Mykola Kuliba.

Those who were personally acquainted with Mykola, or as it was called “Uncle Kolya”, mention him only in the best words…

Olexander Onyshchuk:

“Uncle Kolya is at home …

I remember his calm, balanced voice, serious without any extra words. I remember how he gave us a bus without brakes, on which we nearly fell, and then with him we were joking about that trip. He said that now we are the true soldiers of Aidar. Accompanied “In the country” and timely took away from the post when the firing began. This war captured lots of people and all the best!

“My sons, my sons!

On that Ukraine

Look: you for her

And I’m dying for her”

Eternal glory! Eternal memory! Rest in peace, my friend! “

Victoria Mamotyuk:

“Uncle Kolya,” Batya “,” Bateyko “… I know Mykola Kuliba from the first volunteer experience when we met in Starobelsk in December 2014, that in Lugansk region … He read poems to me … Uncle Kolya always smiled. He threw some chocolates in my bag, so that I was not sad in the road … The true, strong, brave Aidar s oldier… But now Batia has gone. He broke up with his comrade on an antitank mine. I cry, so Rivne does … Glory to Hero! Eternal memory, brother … “


In his memo, the chairman of the Rivne Regional State Administration Oleksiy Mulyarenko mentioned the deceased fellow countryman:

“Today, the Rivne region is in grief. Our land has lost one more of its true son and defender in the East of Ukraine. Mykola Kuliba was a simple man, but a great patriot of his state.

He lived in honor and conscience. And he lived, above all, for the sake of Ukraine. His affairs speak for themselves.

Mykola Kuliba fought for the truth and gave life in the name of peace on his native land, for the sake of peace in our homes and the worthy future of the future generations.

Let the earth be upon him, and the kingdom of heaven! Eternal memory and  honor to the Heroes who fell for Ukraine! “

Oksana Fedas :

“Uncle Kolya died. Yesterday. Dokuchaevsk. Attacking company of Aidar. There was a battle of 20 pieces of separs. But also there were losses on of our soldiers … They chased the reptiles that came to them in the rear of the kilometer by three. They drove to the mine barrier. Anti-tank … The front wheels have gone, but the rear ones have not. No chances for Mykola Kuliba from the Rivne region. In this war he saw everything that possible. And here is the truce … eternal memory. “


Roman Bochkala, Facebook


Memories of the older brother Vasyl Kuliba:

It was extremely sincere and unselfish. He could, without thinking, share the last one. He was like our mom: sincere, kind. And where it was difficult – there he is, where it is dangerous – there he is. Once we worked together on building. Nicholas was a foreman. He protected his subordinates. He thoroughly controlled hazardous work at height. His friends loved him, he was an authority for other people. I saw that when I was working with him.

On the Maidan he was from the first days. He went there in December. When we were talking on the phone, this period became scary. “Berkut” comes, there are no helmets, no body armor, no shields. Everything is burning … “- he said, and the conversation was interrupted.

Mum until the last time was told that he was on the construction site. After all, mother is 79 years old, she is ill: diabetes, hypertension. My sister and I felt that for mom he was special: he was the smallest among us. Mum did not know that he was overwhelmed, that he was lying in the hospital. Only seven or eight months ago, Mom learned that he was in the ATO zone, he went there right from the Maidan. She was praying for him.. It was hard for her to bear his death.

He did not tell anything about ATO. Even when he came from there. What’s up? – asked him by telephone. “Normally. There are fights. The guys are around me “- he answered. Only then his comrades told how they were sleeping in the craters in the cold, frost, rain, as they shared a piece of bread.

Why did he go east? I think he found himself there. Although, I think, he could everywhere implement himself, find a good job, the guys from Maidan went to families. And he had no family at that time. Probably he was well with his brothers there. Neares are there, where you are understood and you can be saved. Dearest cannot always do this.

He was going to the “demebel” already on the eve of death. But the guys wanted him to stay, because he was like a father for them.

There should be other guys to go for the enemy dron that fell. But Uncle Kolya (so called his brother) with Voron (his friend Sergey Baul) decided to do it by themselves. The young people were not allowed. The rear wheel of the jeep drove to the mine: either they turned around or went back. Both died.

I am proud of my brother. Because for all civil life I knew him less than during the war period. With the human qualities that he had, perhaps, people are born, but they are manifested there. It is even strange that you live with a native person and you do not know what it is like.

Heroes do not die. 40th Day after death of the light memory of Nikolai Kuliba

On the fortieth day of the memory of the deceased hero Aidar soldier Mykola Kuliba, his mother Antonina Pavlivna, brother Vasily with his family, sister Anna, the inhabitants of the villages of Sribne and the Suburbs, Kraupets village chairman V. Moshkun, the students of Sribnenskaya SOS came to the cemetery, to commemorate and honor the memory of a warrior.

The priests archpriest Oleg Babak and the priest Vitaly Kravets serviced a memorial lithium. The commemoration speech were made by the head of the village, Moshkun VV, brother of the deceased hero Vasyl Mikhailovich, students of silver school read poetry, performed the song “Mom, do not cry”. The librarian of the public-school library in the Sribne village read poems by the Radyvyliv poetess N.Vechorko devoted to Mykola Kuliba. A minute of silence honored the memory of the deceased warrior. The Church Choir of the St. Michael’s Church of Kyiv Patriarchate performed the anthem of Ukraine.

n conclusion, the author of these lines thanked the family for his son and brother. Nikolai Mikhailovich was a good, decent, humble man. He was worried about his friends, he was repeatedly overwhelmed, he lay in the hospital. It was a man with a great good heart. To Donbass he went as a volunteer, right after Maidan, where he was an active participant. Resident of Sribne will be remembered as a good person, a conscious citizen of our state. This is an incredible loss for the mother, for the fellow villagers, for the mother-Ukraine. Relax with the world, native. We will never forget you and Ukraine will not forget your feat. Eternal memory of hero Nikolai Mikhailovich Kulibi! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!

To the grave of the hero were laid live flowers, and Mother Antonina Pavlovna thanked all those present people for remembering her son, the hero and gave some sweets the students of the school.

Galina Semerenko, librarian of the public-school library in the village of Sribne

Mykola Kuliba (“Batia”/ “Diadia (Uncle) Kolia”) (12.27.1960 – 05.23.2016)