Vladyslav was born in the town of Radyvyliv of Rivne Oblast on September 23, 1993. He studied at the Radyvyliv Secondary School. In 2011 Volodymyr graduated from Radyvyliv Trade School №26.  He was an active participant of the Revolution of Dignity. Vladyslav, the soldier of the 18th Unit of Territorial Defense, was attached to the 8th Battalion Combat “Cherven”. Vladyslav participated in the blockade of the Crimea as a member of Pravyi Sector Organization.

Vladyslav was killed while performing combat tasks on September 31, 2016, near the village of Shyrokyne, Volnovanskyi Raion, Donetsk Oblast.

He is buried in his hometown of Radyvyliv, Rivne Oblast.

“He was free as the wind”

He went to the war as a volunteer. He was called «Maestro». He was desperate, and at times it seemed that he had no fear. The sworn brothers remember as he carried the injured men out during the fire. Shemurovskyi Vladyslav was 23 years old. He died on August 31 during a combat mission near Shirokine village, Donetsk oblast. He was buried in his native Radivilov that is the city in the Rivne region. The soldier was paid last respects bending at the k

Шемуровський Владислав Віталійович


«He was an agile boy. And he didn’t  like to stand by and wanted to declare about himself,» says Nadarozhna Larisa, chief specialist of the Radivilov District Center for the families, children and youth social services. She knew Vladyslav from the childhood. The woman remembers, as once during the camping, when it was necessary to make a fire, Vladyslav found and brought a part of a dry wood. He cut them by his own hands, therefore, it wasn’t necessary to search for more.

«Vladyslav was free as the wind. And even more he was passionate and fearless. The sworn brothers had already told as everyone spoke to Vladyslav to keep his head down during the bombardments. Sometimes, while all soldiers were still waiting until the fire stoped,  he had already pulled the injured men…» Mrs. Larissa remembers.

Vlad was an active participant at the Euromaidan Revolution. And he took part in the blockade of the Crimea. «He was called as «Maestro» there. The fact is that Vlad knew how to cook. There, in the Crimea, he was asked to do it. He cooked for them the first time, the second time… Those who were there liked the food. Therefore, he was nicknamed «Maestro». This was his pseudo in the war, – Alexander says, Vladyslav’s friend. – We were like brothers since the childhood. It happened that we had quarreled. But there was no such thing as taking an offence on each other. When he said that he was going to the ATO zone, a lot of people had tried to dissuade him. They said that anything could happen that it was dangerous. But Vlad said: «I will not go, and he will not go, and the other will not go. That’s not the way.» And he convinced himself that everything would go well… He was positive and cheerful and very fond of sweets. She told me: when I was in the ATO zone, I was waiting for the volunteers to bring some candies… Generally, Vlad was living in the moment. And he was looking for himself. They say that the war changes. That is probably true. Vlad became another… Probably older…»




Шемуровський Владислав Віталійович


Vladyslav Shemurovskyi (08.23.1993 – 08.31.2016)