Khrapachenko Oleksandr Volodymyrovych was born on September 18, 1987 in Rivne. He graduated from secondary school № 19, Rivne. In 2004, Alexander entered to Rivne State University for the Humanities at the Faculty of Arts and Pedagogy, the Department of theatre directing, the specialty – a drama theatre director. In 2010 he graduated from RSUH with an educational degree of bachelor. While studying at the University, Oleksandr was the brightest student of the whole faculty, playing in many of the students’ directorial work. Oleksandr was generously endowed with directing skills. He has made not one theatrical production. The Director’s work of Oleksandr: A. P. Chekhov “The Bear” , S. Mrozhek “Strip”; acting A. Salynskyi “Today I become a woman,” A. Slapovskyi “From red rat to green star”, Sofokl “Ismena” etc., Oleksandr starred in the movie “Resurrection”, in which he played the role of a soldier returning home from war.
Oleksandr Khrapachenko was the leading actor of the theatre of free plastic “Apple”, acting at the department of theatre directing. Sasha was a scout-ranger and a Scythian. He was fond of rock music.
An activist of the Euromaidan. He was killed by a sniper shot on Instytutska street in Kiev. A sniper’s bullet that hit the collarbone, passed the lungs and got stuck in the liver killed him. He was killed at about 11 o’clock on February 20, 2014. Death was instantly.
Buried on February 23, 2014 in Rivne, in the cemetery of “Nove” near the other dead heroes of the Nebesna Sotnia. By the Decree of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko № 890/2014 from 21 November 2014 for the civil courage, patriotism and heroic defending of the constitutional principles of democracy, rights and freedoms, his self-sacrificing service to the Ukrainian people, discovered during the revolution of Dignity Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Khrapachenko was awarded the title Hero of Ukraine dignified with the order of the “Golden Star” posthumously.
On June 3, 2014, by the decision of the session of the Rivne City Council Oleksandr Khrapachenko was awarded the title of “Honorary Citizen of the city of Rivne” (posthumously) and was awarded the Order “For Merits to the City” of the first Degree (posthumously). The Hero of Nebesna Sotnia. The Hero of Ukraine.
The circumstances of the murder
He was died from a sniper’s bullet that hit the collarbone, passed the lungs and got stuck in the liver. He was killed at about 11 o’clock. Death came instantly.
According to Volodymyr Pastushko (a member of the Volyn Sich, to which also belonged Oleksandr Khrapachenko), he was killed by a shot at the Hotel Ukraine, at the last barricade on the Instytutska Street. Only six people were died and ten were injured of the same hundred.
In one interview, Volodymyr Pastushko wrote: “We were the best friends with him. Many unknown people are now telling that they were also constantly with him on EuroMaidan (now many “Maydanovites” are found). And then our Rivne company included: I, Khrapachenko, Eduard Hrynevych, Ivan Horodniuk (“Mesnyk”), Yevhenii Pereviazko (“Shaula”). Sasha was killed in the battle. He was at the penultimate barricade behind Zhovtnevyi , and we and Shaul had to run down for food, because we did not eat anything in the morning, and we needed much power, since the “Berkut” attack could start from minute to minute. When I returned, he already was on the first barricade from the top, guiding the protection. For some reason, I felt that they would kill me, but not him, and walked there in full height. When he saw it, he cried: “Pisne! Pisne! Lay down,don’t be a hero.! ” And those were his last words, after that I fell down, and then heard the shot, and … that’s all. What happened then, I do not remember very well, because I was crying, screaming, in a word, hysterics … ”
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In Rivne, a memorial plaque was unveiled to the Hero of the Nebesna Sotnia
In the Rivne region, honoring of the Heroes of the Nebesna Sotnia are continuing. A memorial plaque for Oleksandr Khrapachenko the hero of Ukraine, Honorary citizen of Rivne was opened on the wall of the school where he studied. Memories of the deceased hero were shared by his friends and classmates. More – in the plot of our journalists.
In the SEC school-lyceum №19 Oleksandr Khrapachenko studied only two years. And it was the place they decided to honor his memory with a memorial plaque. It was installed on the school’s wall, near the entrance. According to the Christian tradition, the memorial plaque was consecrated.
The opening has gathered together a lot of friends, classmates and teachers of the hero. The class teacher of Oleksandr Khrapachenko reminds: the young man stood out from his peers in school days.
A classmate Volodymyr recalls: I communicated with Sasha before his death shortly. Therefore, knew that he was on\at Maidan. Says: Khrapachenko was waiting for classmates’ meeting, planned to come, but was not destined.
Natalia studied with Oleksandr Khrapachenko in one class, and later – in parallel groups at the institute. Says: The young man was a leader in life, he managed to lead people.
The memorial plaque to Oleksandr Khrapachenko was installed at the house where he lived about a month ago. So a memorable sign on the walls of the school was the second in our city of Hero of the Nebesna Sotnia.
Rivne Hero of the Nebesna Sotnia awarded the National Guard
By the initiative of junior lieutenant Volodymyr Pastushok – a Centurion of 35 Hundreds of self-defense of the Maidan “Volynska Sich”, and now the deputy commander of the 1st Battalion named after General Kulchytskyi, Oleksandr Volodymyrovych Khrapachenko was awarded with order of the National Guard of Ukraine named after General Kulchytskyi (posthumously).
All : Sait chesnykh novyn
A memorable composition “Nebesna Sotnia” was opened in Rivne
On the Pokrov in 2014, in Rivne on the street Soborna, near to the Philharmonic, a memorable composition was solemnly unveiled for the Heroes of the Nebesna Sotnia. The work on it has been started since August. On the wall of the house is a well-known graphic of our countryman, talented artist and painter Yurii Zhuravel. The composition includes memorial plaques with the portraits and names of the Rivne residents from “Nebesna Sotnia”. The panoramic composition moves into simulated barricades. The project was designed by Yurii Zhuravel together with the Rivne designer Oleksii Ohon.
Rivne vechirnie
14.10.2015 Day of the defender of the Motherland and the holiday of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin. In Rivne, near the Holy Resurrection Cathedral at the initiative of the city authorities, solemnly opened memory board of the heroes of the Nebesna Sotnia and the heroes who died in the ATO. The event united all the indifferent residents and relatives of the dead. Relatives and friends of our defenders attended the ceremony .
In Rivne a memorial plaque was unveiled by the hero of the Nebesna Sotnia
On February 20, on the facade of the main building of Rivne State University for the Humanities, a memorial plaque was opened and consecrated in memory of the graduate of RSUH, a hero of the Nebesna Sotnia, the resident of Rivne Oleksandr Khrapachenko.
The graduate of the “Theatrical Directing” specialty of the Faculty of Arts and Pedagogy of RSUH Oleksandr Khrapachenko died on the Instytutska Street in the center of Kiev in the morning of February 20, 2014, from a sniper’s bullet that hit the collarbone, passed the lungs and got stuck in the liver. Death came instantly …
– Our Sasha was among those guys who deliberately went to death knowing that they were doing it for Ukraine, to overcome the dictatorship of the obscurantists, the haters of Ukraine, the corruptionists ” – said, opening the memorial plaque, the rector of Rivne State University of the Humanities, PhD (candidate of historical sciences), professor Ruslan Postolovskyi. – These were not the victims of the Maidan, as you can sometimes hear – these were the heroes of Maidan. The memory of Sasha Khrapachenko at our university was honored not only by the opening of a board – even earlier we opened a memorial auditorium in his honor, and recently several scholarships named after Oleksandr Khrapachenko were established by the rectorate for the students of the specialty “Direction”.
Memories of the Hero
– Sasha was not an excellent student, but there was a kind of creative anxiety in him, he did not give rest to himself, nor to us, – recalls his graduate student, the head of the department of theatrical directing of RSUH, PhD (candidate of pedagogical sciences), associate professor Volodymyr Bogatyrоv. – In the last performance, where he played, Sasha spoke the prophetic words: “You kiss me, country, your lips are in my blood …” At that time they did not think about the Maidan …
– I’m proud to have been studying with the Hero,” says Eldar Magomedov, a friend of the deceased. – Probably, so probably the God decided that Sasha is destined to perish for Ukraine. A memorial plaque in honor of my friend is opened on the day of the memory of the heroes of the Nebesna Sotnia, but I believe that such a day should be every day. The boys died not just in the fight against Yanukovych, they wanted us all to have a decent life in our Ukrainian land.
In one interview, Volodymyr Pastushko wrote: “We were the best friends with him. Many unknown people are now telling that they were also constantly with him on EuroMaidan (now many “Maydanovites” are found). And then our Rivne company included: I, Khrapachenko, Eduard Hrynevych, Ivan Horodniuk (“Mesnyk”), Yevhenii Pereviazko (“Shaula”). Sasha was killed in the battle. He was at the penultimate barricade behind Zhovtnevyi and we and Shaul had to run down for food, because we did not eat anything in the morning, and we needed much power, since the “Berkut” attack could start from minute to minute. When I returned, he had already been on the first barricade from the top, guiding the defense. For some reason, I felt that they would kill me, but not him, and walked there at full height. When he saw it, he cried: “Pisne! Pisne! Lay down, don’t be a hero! ” And those were his last words, after that I fell down, and then heard the shot, and … that’s all. What happened then, I do not remember very well, because I was crying, screaming, in a word, hysterics … ”
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