Yaroslav Kuryshko was born on February 9, 1994, in the village of Karasyn, Sarny Raion, Rivne Oblast. In 2000, he started a local school. From 2005 to 2011, Yaroslav attended the Church of St. Vasyl in his native village.  During this period of time, he also learned to play the accordion at Sarny Musical School. After finishing the 9th form, Yaroslav transferred to Strilsk Secondary School where he finished 10th form. In 2011, Yaroslav finished 11th form at Sarny Raion Lyceum Leader. In 2011-2012, he studied at Rivne Law Enforcement Academy, in 2012-2013 he served in the Air Force under the General Staff in Kyiv. After that, Yaroslav started to do military service under a contract as a shooter in the 30th Mechanized Infantry Brigade

of the military unit in Novohrad-Volynskyi. He died on August 8, 2014, near the village of Peremoha, Luhansk Oblast, during the strike-search actions of the battalion task force brigade.

According to the Presidential Executive Order № 270/2015 on May 15, 2105, Yaroslav Kuryshko was posthumously awarded the Third Class Order For Bravery “for valor and high professionalism demonstrated in the protection of the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, loyalty to the oath of enlistment”.

Publications about Kuryshko Ya.R.

Last Friday the Sarny district  bid farewell to a brave hero who had perished in the battle near Donetsk in the ATO zone while performing combat missions, defending his native land. Yaroslav KURYSHKO was a shooter of the 30th separate mechanized brigade from Novograd-Volynskyi where he had been serving under the contract since 2013. He was only 20. For such a short period of his life the young man had already had some time to undergo his regular military service, after having graduated from the police school.

For the last  time, his relatives, friends and completely unacquainted people, military, district and city leaders, representatives of public and charitable organizations, employees of institutions, enterprises and organizations, residents of the village Karasyn where the boy came from, teachers and students of the Sarny District Lyceum “Leader” where Yaroslav studied in the 11th form, gathered for the last time at the Holy Protection Cathedral of Sarny, honoring the hero and defender of the Motherland. The Sarny district bid farewell to the hero, prayed for him and all the perished people, for peace and tranquillity in Ukraine.

The leader of the eparchy, the Most Reverend Anatoly, Metropolitan of Sarny and Polissia regions in the ministry of the clergy of the eparchy headed the order of the funeral of the deceased warrior Kuryshko Yaroslav Ruslanovych who executed the order of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko to defend the integrity of our state. This was not the first Polishchuk warrior who perished in the ATO zone. He gave his life for the unity of the people of God in our country, which is called Ukraine, said Metropolitan. The head of the district administration Serhii Yevtushok expressed his deep condolences to the family of the deceased and promised an every possible support from the authorities of the district.

There is a silence in the temple. We can only hear how ladies and girls are sobbing. Men also do not hide tears . What to say to mother and where to find words to console, when grief is irrecoverable? Is it possible to endure? The general cry of sorrow rises, it seems, to the very top of the dome, when in almost an hour the soldiers take a coffin from the cathedral. Young people carry wreaths with inscriptions. The hero, who gave his life for our sake was conducted to the last path with the honour. The mourning procession accompanied by the brass band, which is joined by more and more people, goes to the central square of the city. The catafalque, a bus and cars with Yaroslavs’ friends and relatives go to his native village Karasyn, where the brave warrior was buried.

Why does the war take the best? How many times has I asked myself about this? Instead of returning to his parents’ home on vacation, a very young boy was brought in the coffin and in eternal glory.

After performing a funeral service over the deceased, on the eve of the funeral, we asked his class leader Serhii Simonchuk (Sarny District Lyceum “Leader”) to tell how he remained in memory.

Yaroslav Kuryshko was loved by everyone without exception. Who knew him at least a little, will confirm my words, –  the teacher recalls, restraining despair. – He was very decent, served in the Holy Vasily’s temple newly built in 2009 in his native village, where his father works as a village elder. Being sociable and funny, he immediately became the soul of the lyceum team and always supported his friends. He was generous and at the same time responsible for those who were close by.

As to Mykhailo Melnyk, director of the Karasyn high school of I-II degrees, he had known Yaroslav since his childhood. In his opinion, Yaroslav was very shy in the class, where 6 boys and one girl studied. Later on, he began to take an active part not only in the life of the school, but also in the village’s one. He was involved in athletics, loved football.  He had a lot of charters of honour.. His parents , Ruslan Ivanovych and Nataliia Mykolaivna, brought up the son, like their daughter Iryna, in love, trying to give them a comprehensive education. Yaroslav also studied at the musical school playing the accordion.

I automatically go to my page in “Classmates” and look for a Karasyn guy there. Yaroslav created the same his one that he did not have time to fill in. On the 7-th of May he changed the photo that remained the only one, as well as a girlfriend, group, and game. And on August 13, under the main photo of the page the sorrowful words and slogans “Glory to the Heroes! Heroes do not die!” began to appear.

How will a family who was so proud of a caring son now live without him? Who can comfort her? And is there a bigger trouble for the mother than to bury her baby? I’m trying to find answers to these questions and I can not. He would be happy to live in a renewed country, confess to the girlfriend whom he sincerely and gently loved and give grandchildren to his own parents. That damned war broke all hopes, did not even let them meet each other for the last time.

No one can comfort the family in such a misfortune. We can only cry with those who weep … Let’s divide between us all this pain.

May you, Yaroslav, and all of you, our dead soldiers, bless the heavenly flame of your native land. Heroes do not die.



Glory to the hero!

Yaroslav Kurishko was devoted some poems.

On Monday, February 9, in the Karasyn high school of I-II degrees a solemn line was held devoted to the anniversary of Yaroslav Kuryshko. He would celebrate his 21- st birthday. Yaroslav gave up his life, fulfilling the duty of a soldier-warrior, defending his native land. He glorified with his feat a small village in  the Sarny district.

Yaroslav’s mother, Nataliia Kuryshko was invited to the evening event. For some of the present audience, the young man was a friend, a classmate, a fellow villager. But the common thing for everyone was that he is a Hero. A knight who did not hide behind the backs of his comrades, and watched death directly in the face. In our memory, he will remain the young boy who grew up in our eyes. We are proud that Yaroslav lived next to us, walked on the same paths that we are walking today, gained knowledge in our school.

In the class where he studied, we organized a corner devoted to the memory of a hero warrior. We did not forget to put flowers close by a memorial board, installed from outside of the room. He was devoted some verses.

In the hearts of the countrymen – the eternal memory of Yaroslav Kuryshko.

On the 40th day after the death of Yaroslav Kuryshko, soldier-contractor of the 30th separate mechanized brigade, his relatives, friends and villagers gathered to commemorate the hero and defender of the Motherland. After the memorial service in the local temple, a memorial plaque was opened in the Karasyn high school of I-II degrees, from which Yaroslav Kuryshko was graduated.


The event was attended by the deputy head of the district state administration Ruslan Serpeninov, acting the military commissar of the Sarny RVC, lieutenant colonel DSCN2178 (Medium) Petro Lutsyshyn, Karasyn village chairman Mykola Shkodych, local residents and schoolchildren. After opening, the memorial plaque was consecrated and people put some flowers to it.


He did not want to become a hero, he just loved Ukraine

The year passed on August 8 , when the brave heart of the true son of Ukraine, Yaroslav Kuryshko, stopped beating.

Last Sunday after a dirge in the church many mindful people of the village Karasyn came to the village club to commemorate the hero. Almost all the present people have known Yaroslav: someone since childhood, someone since the school years, and in someone’s heart, Yaroslav will remain a young, handsome young man. And we must remember him as a hero, because he gave the most valuable thing he had – his life, so that we would have a peaceful heaven above our native land.

It’s said that people are strong as long as they defend a strong idea. Today our task is to defend our Motherland. The guys who are in the east have become the heroes of our time. The war  didn’t pass round our small village, the local boys of which defend the borders of Ukraine in the zone of the ATO, and Yaroslav was among them.

The godfather of the warrior Volodymyr Shkodych called to mind the short life of Yaroslav, but he had known the boy since childhood. He told the audience about the happy and joyous moments of the ordinary Ukrainian family, in which a young man was born, and later a stork also brought his sister Iryna. Tetiana Kuryshko, with tears in her eyes, told some interesting stories about Yaroslav’s school years, thanked her parents for bringing up their son, and stressed that she was proud of the fact that she had the privilege of being his class teacher. On behalf of classmates and comrades from the Sarny District Lyceum, “Leader” Serhii Polishchuk warmly addressed to the audience and lowly, to the very ground, bowed to his parents for their son hero. Also, the chairman of the district council Mykola Draganchuk and the deputy head of the district state administration Ruslan Spereninov made a speech..

Military Commissar Petro Lutsyshyn said that on May 15, the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko honoured by his decree  our countryman with the state award  – the Order “For Courage” of the IIIrd degree and handed it to his parents. The village head Mykola Shkodych said that by the decision of the executive committee of the village council in memory of Yaroslav a sports mini-football tournament was launched in memory of Yaroslav. Every year, on the first Sunday of August, teams to be invited to the village stadium will compete for the right of gaining the Yaroslav Kuryshko Cup. Sportsmen of the village Glushytsia of the Liukhchansk village council  proudly accepted the invitation to take part in the first tournament, said the village chairman Oleksandr Sosiuk, because Yaroslav’s mother, Nataliia Mykolaivna, was born in the village Glushytsia, and so she’s their  countrywoman.

The whole year had passed since Yaroslav perished, defending his native land. It is our duty to remember that with the help of such guys we will build a free and independent Ukraine. In mourning, we bow our heads to the bright memory of the countryman Yaroslav Kuryshko. Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!

Nadiia Yakovets, head of the Karasyn library.


In the village Karasyn we commemorated the fellow-soldier-contractor of the 30th separate mechanized brigade Yaroslav Kuryshko , who died on August 8 last year in the village Stepanivka of the Donetsk region, during the execution of combat missions in the area of ​​the anti-terrorist operation. In the morning a memorial prayer service was held in the local temple. After a joint prayer, the deputy chairman of the DSA Ruslan Serpeninov, chairman of the district council Mykola Draganchuk, the military commissar of the Sarny District Military Commissariat, Petro Lutsyshyn, along with relatives and friends of the deceased, visited the grave of the Hero. The same day, the opening and holding of the first mini-football tournament among men’s teams, dedicated to the memory of the ATO warrior Yaroslav Kurishko also took place. The winner left the cup in Karasyn..




Yaroslav Kuryshko (02.09.1994 – 08.12.2014)