Тарасюк Олег Андрійович (Тарас)
(21.09.1968 -10. 08.2014)

Tarasiuk Oleh was born on September 21, 1968, in the village of Kurozvany, Goshcha Raion, Rivne Oblast. He studied at Rivne Vocational School No.1. Oleh worked at the Azot Plant as a bricklayer-rigger, more than ten years he was a successful entrepreneur. Furthermore, he traded tractors from Europe. For his own funds, Oleh improved the lake site in his native village.

As a volunteer, he went to serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Moreover, he was a commander of Rivne Recon Team of the Ukrainian Voluntary Corps “Pravyi sector”, had the nickname “Taras”. During this time, Oleh went through the hottest points of confrontation in Donetsk, Amvrosiivka, and Karlivka.

Oleh died from sniper bullet at 5 p.m. on September 10, 2014, rescuing fellows in Ilovaisk Battle.

He left a wife, two children, and two grandchildren. Oleh was buried in Rivne on the Alley of Fame of the City Cemetery “Nove”.

Tarasiuk Oleh was decorated with the Third Class Order of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi “for personal courage and high professionalism demonstrated in the protection of sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, loyalty to the military oath”.

According to the Decree of Rivne City Council №5756 on September 17, 2015, Oleh was awarded the title “Honorary Citizen of the City of Rivne”.

Publications about Tarasiuk O. A.
Oleh Tarasiuk went to the battle without helmet and body armor

A successful entrepreneur, responsible and loving husband, father of two adults, grandfather of two little grandchildren, Oleh Tarasiuk will always remain in the memory of Rivne citizens as an open, sincere and very positive person.

The war takes the best. On Sunday, August 10, Oleh Tarasiuk, a fighter of the Ukrainian Voluntary Corps “Right Sector”, died in the battle for the release of the mercenary terrorists in the city Ilovaysk on the Donechchyna. Yesterday in the Cathedral Rivne said good-bye to the hero, prayed for him and all the dead, for peace and tranquility in Ukraine. With all military honors, he was buried in the Fame of the Rivne Cemetery “New”.

The deceased was not a professional soldier. “I’m going to the front, so my son does not need to fight” he told his friends and family when he first departed for the ATO zone. And the fatal last trip to the front was for him the third. On Monday, Oleh had to hand over his arms to return to Rivne for rest. But he returned to the summit and in eternal glory. Let the saints rest …

In Rivne, there are many friends of Oleg Tarasyuk, in his native Kurosvans of Goshcha district, in Kiev, in Germany, in Austria. One of them, Ihor to whom Oleg and the whole Tarasiuk family seemed to be native, agreed on the eve of the funeral to tell what kind of man was his best friend and how he would remain in the memory of his loved ones.

“No one called Oleh to the war, he was not called into the military committee,” Igor, as though choking words from his unbearable pain. – When Rivne boys began to go to the east, Oleh came to the People’s House and asked to become a volunteer. He was a submariner-saboteurs by military specialty, served once in the Pacific Fleet. Oleg is a real battle swan, stingy, strong, like a stone. “Square” shoulders, hand – like a sledgehammer. In the battle, the boys said, he always went into the hottest place. He supported younger boys. He didn’t use guns, went at the enemy in a T-shirt and without a helmet. Hero…

Oleh, remembering friends, did not like to talk about the war. “They freed the villages from thieves, beat mercenaries from the cities, stripped snipers, went to raids,” and all the stories. He was a real warrior.

Son, father, husband, grandfather

How will the widow Iryna now live without her husband? He earned their living by himself. For the husband and all the Tarasiuks Irina was a guardian. Oleh raised two children. Daughter and son are already adults: Olia is twenty, Andriy – twenty three, married.

Most of all, Oleh loved his little grandchildren: Veronika (4) and Ivanka (2). “And how is my Nilechka there?” – it was the first thing a happy 45-year-old grandfather always asked on the telephone or coming home. And the elder granddaughter loved him so much. And will the younger remember her grandfather?


Oleh’s mother Halyna Vasylivna is alive. She lost her son at the age of 67. How to go on living? In order to help his mother about the house Oleh would spend a day or two with his wife, daughter, son, friends in Kurozvaniv. Mother was so proud of a caring son. Who can calm down the old woman? And is it possible?

Oleh Tarasiuk thought that happiness should be built with his own strong hands. He was not going to fight but on the contrary liked to create. Therefore he studied to be a builder in Rivne, graduated from the first vocational school and began to work as a fitter mason on “Azot”. He received a one-room apartment from the chemical plant in Makarov Street and lived in it until his death. They say he had the opportunity to get a bigger and better home, but he spent all he earned on family business.

Before the war Oleh was an entrepreneur for more than ten years. He was successful. He bred fish in his native Kurosvan, leased two ponds. He traveled abroad a lot, brought good agricultural machinery from there. He did not fall in despair even when the slaves of the “golden bears” put their hands on a family business. He worked again and again. And only ten times a day he called his wife and friends: “What is going on in Ukraine? How is Maidan there? “And when he came home he went to the tents in Kyiv, helped and gathered all his friends at table.

– Oleh became the soul of any company. Everyone loved him without exception. Those who know him at least a little bit would confirm my words, – Ihor remembers, restraining despair. – An irresponsive cheerleader was a joker. He was generous – and the soul and the house were always open. He went fishing and hunting like all men. And he had a hot heart, a great sense of justice. He could not stand the fact that the boots of aggressors were walking on our land.

And he was responsible for all who was next to him. Andrew, our common friend,  said that he had saved him from death in a battle. And he always tried to take to dangerous raids only educated and elder people. And tried to leave younger ones with small children for more secure tasks …

May you, Oleh, and all of you, our dead soldiers, spread the native land with a light blazing sky. Heroes do not die. With peace, with the saints, they will rest in the eternal bushes and protect us from the heavenly blue sky.

Oleh Tarasiuk (Taras) (09.21.1968 – 08.10.2014)