Yurii was born on October 4, 1987, in the village of Hlynsk, Zdolbuniv Raion, Rivne Oblast. He studied at Hlynsk Secondary School, which he finished in 2003. Yurii continued studying at Kvasyliv Lyceum where he obtained a qualification of a car mechanic.

In 2006, he joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Then, on August 1, 2014, Yurii was conscripted into the Zone of Counter-terrorist Operation. He participated in the fighting directly since August 30, 2014. Yurii served as a grenade launcher operator in the 80th Air Cavalry Brigade, 7th squadron, 3rd battalion.

He had not got in touch for a long period of time. After a post-mortem examination in Dnipropetrovsk Morgue, it was revealed that Yurii Datsiuk died in the Battle of Donetsk Airport on January 20, 2015.

The soldier was buried in his native village on April 16, 2015.

According to the Presidential Executive Order № 461/2015 on July 31, 2015, Yurii Datsiuk was posthumously awarded the Third Class Order of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi “for bravery and high professionalism demonstrated in the protection of the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, loyalty to the oath of enlistment”.


Publications about Datsiuk Yu.A.

In Zdolbuniv people met the body of the deceased Hero-Cyborg, Yurii Datsiuk


Despite the heavy rain and late evening, hundreds of people came to the intersection between Zdolbuniv and Bohdashiv to meet the body of the deceased Hero-Cyborg, resident of the Hlynsk village, Yurii Datsiuk. In the hands of people there were icon-lamps and candles. In the eyes of many – tears. Everyone has a desire for a payment for the death of our boys.
When the car with the body of the Hero passed past the chain of people, many became kneeling giving the last honor to the fallen for Ukraine fellow countryman. And although some of the presenters said that it was not enough to stand up with a candle while the car drove with Yurii Datsiuk’s body, we remind the community that it was just a meeting on the way home – to Hlynsk. Our duty is to silently thank Hero and pray for his soul.




In the Zdolbuniv region buried “cyborg”

This week, our region is again in sorrow, because the war continues taking away the best. On Thursday, April 16, a farewell to a young hero – a resident of Hlynsk Yurii Datsiuk took place.

The soldier served in the 80th airborne brigade of the Armed Forces, was a “cyborg”, defended the Donetsk airport from the invaders. The connection of his relatives with him broke down at the beginning of the year: last time they spoke with Yurii was on January 19th. Till the end his relatives hoped that he was among the captives. However, according to DNA analysis, it was found that the body of a warrior is in the morgue of Dnipropetrovsk. He was found under the rubble in the ruins of the Donetsk airport…

On the night of Thursday, for the last time fellow countrymen met Yurii Datsiuk in his homeland, creating a “living corridor” in Bohdashiv, Pyatyhory and Hlynsk. And on April 16th, all those who came to give him the last honor, made a farewell with courageous “cyborg” in grief. Yurii is buried in his native Hlynsk

Yurii Datsiuk (01.27.1987 – 01.20.2015)