Roman was born in the village of Bohdashiv, Zdolbuniv Raion on May 26, 1989.

He graduated from Volyn Military Lyceum with Intensified Military and Physical Training. After graduation, he entered The National Technical University Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute. Roman studied at the department known today as Guards Department of Military Education and Training. Later, he was assigned to serve in the tank battalion in the rural town of Desna, Chernihiv Oblast.

On June 12, 2012, Roman was transferred to the Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy in the city of Lviv. However, on August 12, 2014, he decided to take part in the counter-terrorist operation in the East of Ukraine. He served as a company second-in-command responsible for the weaponry of the 42nd motorized infantry battalion of the 57th motorized infantry brigade of the combatant command “Pivden”. Roman was wounded in the winter of 2015. However, after a leave, he returned to the front line.

Roman Vidnichuk died on August 31, 2015, near Horlivka in Donetsk Oblast while demining the territory in the night.

The hero was buried in his native village of Bohdashiv.

With the blessing of Archbishop of Rivne and Ostroh Illarion Roman was posthumously decorated with a Church Medal For Selflessness and Love to Ukraine.

Publications about R. Vidnychuk

Zdolbuniv Region: the body of the deceased Hero was met by the countrymen, staying on their knees

Almost at 1 o’clock in the morning, Roman Vidnichuk, who was killed in the East,  returned to Bohdashiv for the everlasting rest.

Hundreds of people with candles and lamps greeted the body of the hero who did not return from the combat errand. Many of them have been waiting for two hours to honor the hero. In his the native not his mother but her grave awaits for him, and the son will find his eternal rest next to her.

Sworn brothers brought Roman’s kitten from the front. line Now it will live in Lviv, with Khrystyna, who had to become a warrior’s wife, as a reminder about him…

We must remember that at the cost of his life, the boy from Bohdashiv has protected our peaceful mornings and still not such an autumn warm nights.

Eternal memory of the hero!


The head of the Zdolbuniv Regional State Administration Serhii Kondrashuk told about the deceased in the ATO area countryman.

“Roman Vidnichuk was born on May 26, 1989 in Bohdashiv village, Zdolbuniv District. In his childhood Roman had a difficult times. When he was three years old the father left the family, and the boy was brought up by mother and grandmother. But when he was 11 years old his mother died of cancer. Little Roman was picked up by his native aunt from Volyn. But after three years the aunt suffered the same fate as the boy’s mother …

Roman Vidnichuk dreamed of being a soldier since childhood. That is why he decided to study at the Volyn Lyceum with increased Military-Physical training.

After he has graduated, he finally decided to tie up his life with military affairs and entered the National Technical University Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute at the faculty, which is now called “Guards Faculty of Military Training”. After his graduation, Roman, by distribution, was sent to the village of Desna in the Chernihiv Region, where he served in the tank battalion. On June 12, 2012, he was transferred to the Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy in Lviv. There he worked at the Armored Armament Department as an engineer at the armored service of the Academy. When the events in the East began, in April 2014, Romans wrote a report three times, asking to send him to the ATO. However, he received refusals. But at the first opportunity he was transferred to the battalion, which saw duty directly in the ATO.

On August 12, 2014, Roman Vidnichuk began to take part in the ATO in the East of Ukraine as deputy commander of the company of armed forces of the 42nd separate motorized battalion of the 57th separate motorized brigade of the operational command “Pivden”. During the year of service, he came on vacation only once in the winter, when he received a slight fragmented injury.

Roman Vidnichuk’s battalion was based in the city of Kostiantynivka. On the morning of August 31, 2015, the Roman’s comrades found him dead near Gorlivka. He was a high-level specialist in military affairs, so when the engineer of the combat service was absent, he performed his duties. On the night of August 30th to 31st, he, as always, courageously, performed his work on the spot between the checkpoints of Ukrainian military and separatists. On the 3rd night Roman still got in touch, but at 4 a.m., his comrades found him dead, “- said Serhii Kondrachuk.

The couple told how fearless a dead soldier was

Among other to say goodbye to the soldier of ATO came a couple from Mykolaiv – Olexander and Iryna Lehkobytov. The deceased in the ATO was the commander of their engineering and demolition platoon.

– Roman was my commander in the ATO zone, the best commander you can wish for. He was a man who taught me everything I know, thanks to him, I came home alive and thanks to him I met my wife in the ATO. He was a unique and the funniest person among all who I know. He was faultless, did everything not for himself, but for the guys, his wards, to come back home alive. He always did the hardest work, – told Olexander Lehkobytov.

Olexander’s wife adds: “The deceased commander was a hero unequivocally, because he saved not one life. He was a military officer, so he never took his wards to the most dangerous tasks of landing and demolition, because he understood that mobilized people had to be taught, and he knew how to do so. He always did the hard work alone, “- said Iryna Lehkobytov.

Roman Vidnichuk died near Gorlivka in Donetsk Region on the night of Monday, however, all the circumstances of his death are still being clarified by the prosecutor’s office. The military man was an orphan, he was brought up by his grandmother. She already buried her two daughters, now she bid farewell to her grandson. Roman did not have time to make his family.

Bohdan Vertynskyi


Memorial plaque of Roman Vidnychuk opened

On May 24, 2016,  a memorial plaque of Roman Vidnychuk from Bohdashiv was opened on the facade of Zdolbuniv secondary school No. 6 in which he had studied.
The memory of Roman was honored by all the students and staff of the educational institution, representatives of the authorities and the public. The headmaster Petro Melnychuk told about a former student with tears in his eyes. Roman’s  grandmother opened the plaque. After that the priest Taras of the Holy Khrestovozdvyzhenska Church of the UOC-KP of Bohdashiv consecrated the memorial plaque.

On June at 12 p.m. on the Roman Vidnychuk Street (former Ostrovskyi Street) in the village of Bohdashiv, was held the opening of a memorial plaque in honor of the deceased in the ATO Roman Vidnychuk.

The event began at the cemetery of Bogdashiv village near the grave of the Roman, where the priest Taras, the prior of the Holy Khrestovozdvyzhenska Church of the UOC-KP, of Bohdashiv, served a memorial service for the dead soldier.

His relatives, friends, fellow villagers, deputy chairman of the Zdolbuniv District state administration Mykola Orlov, deputy chairman of the Zdolbuniv District council Olexander Bukhalo, chairman of Bohdashiv village council Iryna Khabatiuk, employees of the executive apparatus and deputies Bohdashiv village council, and the general public came to honor his memory.

A memorial plaque was opened by Oleksandr Shpak and Mykola Ovsiychuk, and the priest Taras consecrated it.

With the blessing of the Archbishop of Rivne and Ostroh, Ilarion, the priest Taras presented the church award – a Medal “For sacrifice and love to Ukraine” to relatives of the deceased warrior.

All who were present honored the memory of Roman with a moment of silence, as well as performed the State Anthem of Ukraine.

Relatives, friends, representatives of the authorities and the public put down the flowers on the memorial plaque to the defender of Ukraine.




Roman Vidnichuk (05.26.1989-08.31.2015)