Serhii Karabin (“The Seventeenth”) (12.16.1983 – 01.30.2015)

Serhii was born on December 16, 1983, in the town of  Hoshcha, Rivne Oblast. In 1984, he started Hoshcha day nursery.

However, in 1985, the Serhii’s parents moved to the town of Novoiavorivsk, Lviv Oblast. Thus, the little boy started attending a local kindergarten.

In 1990, Serhii started Novoiavorivsk Secondary School №1. In 1996, the family returned to Hoshcha, where he continued his studies at the Secondary School №1.

After finishing school in 2000, he entered Lviv Inter-regional Higher Vocational School of Railway Transport in order to obtain the qualification of a conductor of long-distance trains.

Shortly after that, in 2001, Serhii was conscripted into the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the town of Mukachevo. Having finished military service, a young specialist returned to work at Lviv Railway Station.

However, feeling patriotism and great love to Ukraine in his heart, Serhii Karabin voluntarily went to fight in the Zone of Counter-terrorist Operation in March 2014. He became a flamethrower operator in the 81st Air Cavalry Brigade.… Читати далі

Serhii Levchuk (03.05.1976 – 11.10.2014)

Serhii Levchuk was born on March 5, 1976, in the village of Babyn, Hoshcha Raion, Rivne Oblast. After finishing 9 forms of Babyn Secondary School in 1992,  he entered Korets Special Trade School No. 24, where he studied from September 1992 to May 1994. Having finished it, Serhii went into the military service in the city of Uzhhorod.

After the service, he worked at Babyn-Tomakhiv Sugar Factory. On September 26, 2014, Serhii was mobilized in the town of Yavoriv where he served as a mechanic-driver of the 2nd Mechanized Division of the 2nd Mechanized Platoon, 12th Mechanized Company, 4th Mechanized Battalion, 24th Air-mobile Brigade.

He died on November 10, 2014, in the defense of the checkpoint in the village of Krymske, Lysychansk Raion, Luhansk Oblast.

Serhii Levchuk was posthumously awarded the Third Class Order For Bravery for courage and heroism demonstrated in the defense of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.… Читати далі

Dmytro Overchuk (06.07.1992 – 07.28.2014)

Dmytro Overchuk was born in 1992 in the village of Shkariv, Hoshcha Raion. Having finished Horbakiv Comprehensive School, he entered Kvasyliv Technical Vocational Lyceum to obtain the qualification of a fitter repairing vehicles. On October 18, 2011, Dmytro was called up for compulsory military service into the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine where he continued serving on the contract basis. After that, he underwent a training program Mechanic-Driver of the Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) in the subdivision of a Military Base A-1048. His permanent place of service was the 3d Unit of the First Platoon in the 30th Brigade in Novohrad-Volynskyi, Zhytomyr Oblast.

On March 8, 2014, the 30th Brigade was located in the south of Ukraine near the village of Chaplynka that borders with the mainland of Ukraine and the Crimean Peninsula. Then, there was a new place of dislocation – the Arabat Spit, and then – Skadovsk and Berdiansk.

Dmytro was killed in the summer of 2014.… Читати далі

Mykola Karnaukhov (07.20.1965 – 02.06.2015)

Mykola Karnaukhov was born on July 20, 1965, in the city of Kokchetav, Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1982, he entered the Mechanical Department of the Ukrainian Institute of Water Management Engineers (specialization of Mechanization of Irrigation and Drainage Works). Having graduated from it in 1989, Mykola obtained the qualification of a mechanical engineer. After serving in the Air Force from 1983 to 1985, he started his career.

At first, he worked as an engineer of the research sector in the Ukrainian Institute of Water Management Engineers in 1989. Shortly after that, he became a junior research associate in the Faculty of Construction and Ameliorative Equipment there. From 1992 to 1994, Mykola did a postgraduate course. After finishing it, the fate connected his life with the Faculty of Vehicles, Vehicle Fleet, and Metal Technology. He made his way from assistant to associate professor in this faculty. Mykola Karnaukhov is an author of more than 50 scientific and academic papers, particularly 4 copyright certificates and invention patents.… Читати далі

Taras Harbarchuk (09.14.1995-01.29.2015)

Taras Harbarchuk was born on September 14, 1995, in the town of Hoshcha, Rivne Oblast.

He was conscripted into the Armed Forces of Ukraine and sent to the zone of the Anti-Terrorist Operation.

A soldier Taras Harbarchuk went missing while performing military duties on January 29, 2015, near the town of Vuhlehirsk, Donetsk Oblast. The reason for it was a shell hit into the tank and the detonation of the ammunition set. In July, an expedition of the Ukrainian Civil Association The Union. Public Memory conducted a search of the site of the destroyed tank.  As a result of the expedition, the body of the deceased was identified.

According to the court’s decision from December 10, 2015, Taras Harbarchuk was pronounced dead.

According to the Presidential Executive Order № 282/2015 on May 23, 2015, he was posthumously awarded the Third Class Order For Bravery “for personal courage and high professionalism demonstrated in the defense of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, loyalty to the military oath”.… Читати далі

Volodymyr Sheliah (04.03.1979 – 06.03.2015)

Volodymyr Sheliah was born on April 3, 1979, in a large family in the village of Khynochi, Volodymyrets Raion, Rivne Oblast, where he lived. Volodymyr worked as a teacher of physical education in Khynochi Secondary School. Earlier, Volodymyr worked as Principal Deputy of the Krasnosilsk and Stepanhorod Secondary Schools. From 2010 Volodymyr was a head of the hobby group of sports and touristic profile at the Rafaliv Center of Children and Youth Creativity.  According to the words of fellow countrymen, Volodymyr was morally sustainable, fair, very cheerful and friendly man. Furthermore, he was a consummate organizer, an active participant of amateur art activities.

On February 5, 2015, during a partial mobilization, Volodymyr was called up by Volodymyrets Raion Military Registration and Enlistment Office for military service in the Zone of ATO. As part of his subsection, he covered one of the most important Ukrainian army outposts on the line of dividing – village of Mariinka, Donetsk Oblast.

On June 3, 2015, a soldier-scout got injuries incompatible with life.… Читати далі

Ivan Horodniuk (05.02.1984-02.20.2014)

Ivan Horodniuk was born on June 2, 1984, in the town of Berezne, Rivne Oblast. He spent his youth in community service as a member of the Ukrainian Youth Union and the Youth National Congress. Ivan organized artistic events and participated on numerous occasions. Shortly afterward, he joined the political life of the Oblast. Ivan was a permanent member of the election commissions and an observer of the non-governmental organization The Association of the Search of War Victims’ Memory’. He took part in the exhumation of the dead Ukrainian Insurgent Army soldiers the military reconstruction.

Ivan was creative. He ran a modern dance club of Berezne Community Center, held aerobics and breakdance classes. Furthermore, he conducted his own business.

Since the first days of Euromaidan, Ivan Horodniuk participated in it under the pseudonym “Mesnyk” (“Avenger”). He entered The Volyn Sotnia straightaway. He was its active combatant, a rifleman of The Svoboda Sotnia (“Freedom”). Amid the street riots on Hrushevskyi St.,… Читати далі

Valerii Opanasiuk (05.20.1971 – 02.20.2014)

Valerii Opanasiuk was born on May 20, 1971, in the village of Diuksyn, Kostopil Raion, Rivne Oblast.

He lived in Rivne. Valerii worked as an automobile mechanic.

In winter of 2013-2014, he stayed at Maidan Nezalezhnosti in Kyiv where he was an active participant in the Revolution of Dignity. Many citizens from Rivne who were staying at Maidan knew him. All day long he was on duty on the barricades and helped the activists-newcomers. Those who knew Valerii well tell that he had a sharpened sense of justice. He never paid attention to material benefits and always helped those in need. When a misfortune happened, Valerii was the first who was giving a helping hand. Moreover, he couldn’t hold a grudge for a long time, and he was not afraid of telling the truth.

On February 20, 2014, Valerii died as the result of a gunshot wound. A sniper’s bullet hit his heart when Valerii was dragging his injured fellows out of the firing range.… Читати далі

Heorhii Arutiunian (07.04.1960-02.20.2014)

Heorhii Arutiunian was born on July 4, 1960, in the city of Batumi, the Georgian Autonomous Republic of Adzhar. He was formerly a citizen of Georgia. Heorhii lived in Rivne, where, at first, he obtained a residence permit and then the Ukrainian citizenship. He earned his living doing seasonal work abroad. He was actively engaged in community work. Being the All-Ukrainian Union “Svoboda” activist, Heorhii Arutiunian worked in the party tent for several years. He was an active participant of its agitation campaign and constantly visited all-Ukrainian patriotic events.

Though he was of an Armenian origin, he really loved Ukraine, its culture and history. He became a true patriot of his new Motherland and felt the pain of his new country. He was concerned about its destiny, supported it in its struggle for independence, wished it would have better future. Heorhii took an active civic stance and could not put up with disenfranchisement and social injustice. He was ready to sacrifice his life for Ukraine.… Читати далі

The site “The Heroes of Revolution of Dignity” is about our countrymen who have fought for Dignity and Liberty, territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine, and its European future. It’s about the fate of Ukraine’s best sons who, at the cost of their own lives, have fought for the happy future of all of us, for our peaceful homes, for peace in our country.

Glory to the Heroes!!!

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