Ihor Cherniak (08.02.1980 – 07.18.2014)

Ihor Cherniak was born on September 2, 1980, in the town of Zabaikalsk, Chytynsk Region, the Russian Federation. From 1980 to 1990 Ihor studied at the school of the town Bernau, German Democratic Republic. From 1990 to 1992 (5-6 forms) he studied in Radyvyliv Secondary School, Rivne Oblast. Ihor finished Zolochiv Secondary School №2  named after Markiian Shashkevych, Lviv Oblast. Ihor’s father was a professional serviceman, Warrant officer, that is why he had to move the places of living frequently. The last place of his service was the town of Zolochiv.

In 1999 Ihor graduated from the International Academy of Personnel Management with the qualification of an economist-business manager. After serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine from 1999 to 2000 in the city of Ternopil, Ihor graduated from Lviv Polytechnic National University.

Ihor worked at a commercial bank in the town of Radyvyliv, later on, construction. He was an active participant of events on Independence Square in Kiev during the Revolution of Dignity.… Читати далі

Ivan Sova (01.19.1976 – 09.05.2014)

Ivan Sova was born on January 19, 1976, in the village of Bryhadivka, Radyvyliv Raion of Rivne Oblast.  He was the second child in the family. His mother worked in a kindergarten as a laundry master, and his father was an operator at a local farm. In 1980, the family moved to live in a newly built house in the nearby village of Zarichne. Since 1983 Ivan studied in Kozyn Secondary School and starting from the 4th class in Kozyn Music School in accordion class. From 1991 to 1995 Ivan studied at Rivne Music College. After graduation, he served in the Army in the town of Shepetivka, Khmelnytskyi Oblast. Ivan received a military specialty as a grenade launcher gunner.  After returning from the army he got married, lived and worked as a Music Teacher in the town of Zdolbuniv.   In 2000, Ivan returned home to the village of Zarichne. Together with his brother, he took part in the Orange Revolution of 2004.… Читати далі

Ivan Lemeshchuk (01.20.1993 -09.05.2014)

Ivan Lemeschuk was born on January 20, 1993, in the village of Haiky-Sytnenski, Radyvyliv Raion, Rivne Oblast. The fate did not have mercy on him:  his mother died early, and the grandmother Lidiia was bringing up a six-year-old boy.

Ivan studied at the local secondary school.  He was an optimist as well as an organizer of the school celebrations, tours, and excursions. Ivan was everywhere at the same time: in the gym, on the school yard, in the classroom. Close friends with whom he was hiking and making a fire to bake potatoes were always beside Ivan. Ivan was always the first in everything.

He studied at the Kremenets School of Forestry. Ivan served in the army and stayed in the military service on the contract basis. He was a paratrooper, a sergeant and a platoon commander of the 80th Air-mobile Brigade in the city of Lviv. A detachment, where Ivan served, repeatedly took part in the Anti-Terrorist Operation in Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts. … Читати далі

Nechyporuk Andrii D. (02.18.1981 – 05.22.2014)

Andrii Nechyporuk was born on February 18, 1981, in the village of Ridkiv, Radyvyliv Raion, Rivne Oblast. From 1987 to 1996, he studied at Ridkiv Comprehensive School. He received secondary education in Radyvyliv Comprehensive School.

Raion Military Registration and Enlistment Office sent Andrii to study at Kozyn Motor Transport School. Shortly afterward, he finished Training Center of Rivne Oblast Council and obtained the qualification of gas facilities fitter. From June 9, 1999, Andrii served at Cherkasy Military Base and in November of the same year, he was sent to Kotovsk Military Base in Odesa Oblast – to the detached unit of special operations #2196 B3.

After demobilization in November 2000, Andrii worked as a security guard at the Publicly Traded Company “Azot”. From 2001, he lived in the city of Rivne.

In 2010, Andrii moved from Rivne to the village of Bronnyky, Rivne Raion, where he began building a house and managing his household.

On April 11, 2014, he volunteered for military service in the Zone of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO).… Читати далі

Serhii Us (06.11.1989 – 01.09.2017)

Serhii Us was born on June 11, 1989, in the village of Ukrainka, Ostroh Raion, Rivne Oblast. He studied at Ukrainka Secondary School, which he graduated from in 2005. After finishing school he applied for a course in Mechanics at Kvasyliv Vocational School.

Serhii served in the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the town of Dievichki, Kyiv Oblast, later within three years he continued his service by contract in the town of Novohrad-Volynskyi.

On November 16, 2014, Serhii went through retraining at Yavoriv Combat Training Center.

The junior sergeant of the 80-th Lviv Airmobile Brigade since November 11, 2015, was mobilized to the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukrainian, he took part in the battle actions near the village of Konstiantynivka and the village of Drushkivka, carried out the cover of certain areas of the State border. At the end of September 2016, he was demobilized.  Later Serhii began his contract service in the Anti-aircraft Missile Regiment in the town of Shepetivka.… Читати далі

Vitalii Tyshkun (08.25.1991-11.10.2016)

Vitalii un was born on September 25, 1991, in the village of Badivka, Ostroh Raion, Rivne Oblast in the family of workers: father Tyshkun Olexander – a railroader, mother worked at Ostroh Green Farm.

Tyshkun Vitalii attended the primary school in the village of Badivka, then studied at Voloskivka Secondary School of I-III Degrees. General secondary education Vitalii obtained in Velbivne Secondary School.

He studied at the average and sufficient levels, but was an active member of student self-government, joined general patriotic events.

Vitaliyi dreamed of being a soldier. He was not indifferent to the destiny of our country. In the period of the development of events of The Revolution of Dignity, he worked near the city of Kyiv and without any hesitation joined the participants at Maidan. Parents got to know about it only when he was injured. Due to the injury, he was not subject to mobilization, but the spirit of patriotism and strong desire to defend his native country won.… Читати далі

Oleksandr Kravchenko (04.02.1996 – 09.05.2016)

Oleksandr V. Kravchenko was born on April 6, 1996, in the village of Rozdolne, Zmiiv Raion, Kharkiv Oblast. His family moved to the village of Tesiv, which is located in Ostroh Raion, Rivne Oblast, in 1998. He finished a local secondary school after 9 years of studying there.

Oleksandr graduated from the vocational school in 2013 in the town of Pervomaisk. After graduation, he worked at the paramilitary security in the city of Rivne.

He signed a military service contract on May 26, 2016, and joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine on May 31, 2016. He was a senior gunner of the 1st Self-propelled Artillery Company of the First Howitzer Self-propelled Artillery Division. He participated in the Anti-Terrorist Operation in the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts. Oleksandr perished in the area of 20 km from the town of Volnovakha.

The serviceman left parents and an elder brother.… Читати далі

Viktor Zashchyk (08.02.1967-08.04.2016)

Viktor Zashchyk (a code name “Shulha” (“Left-handed”) was born on August 2, 1967, in the village of Mezhyrich, Ostroh Raion, Rivne Oblast. He lived in the town of Netishyn, Khmelnytskyi Oblast.

Viktor was a soldier in the Ukrainian Volunteer Army. After joining the 5th Battalion of Pravyi Sektor (Right Sector) in December 2014, he went to war.

However, the military enlistment office rejected Viktor because of his age, but his patriotic heart made him join the army as a volunteer.

He was a driver, and he went through Donetsk Airport, Pisky, Shyrokyne, Avdiivka.

Viktor celebrated his 49th birthday together with his comrades on August 2nd, in the war zone; on the night of August 4th, he died from a stroke.

The deceased left a wife, who works as a teacher, and two sons: 20-year-old Oleksandr, fighting in the war with his father for two years, and 16-year-old Illia.

 … Читати далі

Petro Drachuk (06.24.1967-08.16.2015)

Petro Drachuk was born on June 24th, 1967, in Ploske, Ostroh Raion, Rivne Oblast. He finished Ploske Comprehensive School and Shepetivka vocational training secondary school (Khmelnytsk Oblast). Since 1994, Petro had worked as a fitter in the branch of the major oil pipeline “Druzhba.” Shortly afterward, he worked as an operator of the gauge, automatic equipment, and telemechanic section in the oil pumping station “Novyny.”

A private Petro Drachuk was called up into the Armed Forces of Ukraine by the Recruiting Station of Ostroh Raion, Rivne Oblast, on February 5th, 2015. He was a soldier in the 1st Mortar Battery of the 1st Mechanized Battalion of the 93rd Mechanized Brigade.

On August 14th, 2015, Petro Drachuk was wounded due to shelling by multiple rocket launchers “Hrad” near the village of Opytne, Donetsk Oblast.  Petro was taken to the I. Mechnykov hospital in the city of Dnipropetrovsk. Due to the received injuries, he died on August 16th, 2015. Volunteers brought the body of Petro Drachuk from Dnipro at 7 am.… Читати далі

Ivan Strykun (08.13.1967 – 06.29.2015)

Ivan Strykun was born on September 13, 1967, in the village of Novomalyn, Ostroh Raion, Rivne Oblast. He graduated from the local secondary school. After finishing school, Ivan served in the Soviet Army. He left the army as a Junior Sergeant. After demobilization Ivan went to work as a driver in the Iskra Collective Farm in the nearby village of Myhalkivtsi. There he got acquainted with his future wife Oksana and he got married in 1990. They had two children – a son Ivan and a daughter Olha.

Ivan was conscripted to the Armed Forces of Ukraine on 12 March 2015. At the beginning, Ivan held a military training at Rivne Training Range, on April 20, 2015, he was sent for military service to the Military Field Post Office V2830 as a senior driver (Dnipropetrovsk Oblast). From May 19, 2015, according to the Decree №118 on 19.05.2015, took part in the Anti-Terrorist Operation.

Ivan Strykun, a junior Sergeant and senior driver of the 93 Separate Mechanized Brigade died on June 29, 2015, on the way to the hospital in the town of Novohradivka, Donetsk Oblast.… Читати далі